In the context of the great pastroral need in the new diocese of Kanjirapally, there have been repeated requests to us to start an Ashram in this Diocese. In fact, even before the establishment of the Diocese of Kanjirapally, already in 1951 Mr. K.T. Thomas B.A.B.L., and Mr. Cherian Karippaparampil had called on Fr. Ignatius Pettakatt, then Guardian of St.Antony, Friary, Quilon with a request to have a Friary in Kanjirapally, promising to give a plot of land free of cost. However the offer could not be accepted since permission was not granted to open any Friary in any of the Syrian Rite Dioceses.” (Cf. History of the Capuchin Province of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, India (1922-1972) by Frs. Adolph Kannadipara and Fortunatus of Korlai, p. 265). The Provincial Chapter of 1996 decided to open a house in the Diocese of Kanjirapally. In pursuance of this decision the Provincial Definitory, in its meeting held on 1 September 2001, appointed Brs. Joseph Ezhuthupurackal, Dominic Cheradil, and Jose Vettikat, to find a suitable place for an Ashram. A plot of land, con- sisting of 2.57 acres, was bought at Painganappalam, in the periphery of Mundakkayam town. The property was registered on 22 March 2002. After the Election Chapter of April-May 2002, the Provincial Definitory appointed Brs. Jose Vettikat and K.V.Joseph to the existing house, which was built more than 75 years ago. Mar MathewArackal, Bishop of Kanjirapally, blessed thehouseon11August2002.The new Ashram built under the leadership of Br. Jose Vettikat was blessed on April 3rd 2005 by His Excellency Mar Mathew Arackal.
Br. Mathew Valumannel - Guardian
Br. Felician Vayalil
Br. Stanislaus Palakil -
Br. Francis Ponnumpurayidom
Br. Mathew Karippal - Vicar & Procurator
Address: Mundakkayam P.O., Post. Box.18 Kottayam - 686 513, Tel: 7902831332
Br. Felician Vayalil
Br. Stanislaus Palakil -
Br. Francis Ponnumpurayidom
Br. Mathew Karippal - Vicar & Procurator
Address: Mundakkayam P.O., Post. Box.18 Kottayam - 686 513, Tel: 7902831332