Responding to the repeated request of His Excellency Mar EphremNarikulam, the bishop of Chanda, the province decided to open a Capuchin Mission in the diocese of Chanda. Two friars from Pavanatma Province had served here for some time, but did not continue the service. Br. Augustine and Br. Mathew Paikada have been rendering spiritual service in Belharshah Cathedral and in the minor seminary from Chennur.  After the legal formalities were satisfactorily met, Br. Augustine Nattunilathu reached Belharsha on 24th November 2017 and served in the parish of Darmapuri for about seven months. When Brs. Sharon Plakootam and DinnyKuruppassery reached on 11th June 2018, we were ready to take up a parish and the bishop entrusted to us temporarily the parish of Sumthana –Warora, with its two communities of faithful and two convents of St. Anne’s Sisters of Bangalore. The presbytery was renovated and blessed by Bp. EphremNarikulam on 18th June. Sumthana and Warora are about 25 KM apart; in Sumthana about 20 families are Catholics and in Warora about a dozen are Catholics. The Sisters have well-developed schools in both places. In addition to the daily mass in both places, we help in the Chandrapur parish and the diocesan minor seminary on a regular basis. Our fathers are invited for confessions, monthly recollections and renewal programmes from different parts of the diocese, besides urgent helps in the parishes. We are negotiating for some land in Karanja (Ghadge) town, where there is no Catholic presence yet. Karanja is on the High Way(53) ca. 70 KM from Nagpur and the same distance towards Amaravati.Karanja is about 25 KM from Arvi and about 80 KM from Wardha, the district Head Quarters. The present plan is to start with education ministry and reach out to the neighbouring villages. The sisters of St. Anne of Bangalore have showed interest in collaboration with our ministry. Seva Kunju Sumthana village Bhadravati P. O. Chandrapur Dt. Maharashtra - 442902
Br. Sharon Plakkoottathil